Values And Ethos

Vision Statement

Dronfield Henry Fanshawe School strives to provide a high-quality educational experience for all students, through an enriching curriculum that enables them to acquire a deep knowledge of the world in which they live so that they can develop a love for learning and can thrive personally, economically and academically, in life. The school aims to engage and inspire the students of today, from Y7 to Y13, to grow and develop into rounded citizens that become positive, caring and successful members of society and are equipped to become the leaders of tomorrow.

Core Principles

The following core principles embody the ethos of Dronfield Henry Fanshawe School and the learning environment that we aim to achieve:

  • Develop students into happy, caring, healthy, confident, courteous, articulate and independent learners with a strong moral compass, who can succeed in life
  • Ensure students demonstrate the DHFS 3Rs by being responsible, resilient and reflective
  • Offer a broad and balanced curriculum that is inspiring, motivating, challenging and relevant for all abilities and prepares students for their role as future citizens of the world
  • Allow students to experience lessons of the highest quality delivered by dedicated and highly skilled professionals
  • Equip students with the necessary skills, knowledge and values to make outstanding progress, in the broadest sense throughout their school journey, irrespective of starting point and celebrate and encourage high aspirations both in and out of the classroom
  • Deliver care, guidance and pastoral support for all students so that they are safe within a well ordered and disciplined environment
  • Celebrate what makes us unique through embracing diversity and equality of opportunity, promoting the DHFS family through respect and acceptance
  • Develop strong relationships with parents and carers so that an active triangle of partnership exists between student, school and home
  • Work with students, parents, carers and the community to ensure a sense of pride and care in Dronfield and the wider area

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